(Offshore Drone Inspection Services)
ODIS provides a safe, efficient, and economical approach to offshore infrastructure inspections, while targeting incident - free operations and superior data collection from the mudline to the helideck. We strive to maintain a positive work culture with a focus on safety, innovation, and excellence.


Annual Level -1 Inspection
Otherwise known as BSEE Annual Corrosion Inspections. These inspections are mandated to be performed annually to document the coating condition of every facility in OCS - Federal Waters in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the inspections are a tool to help operators identify structural or safety issues for repair. The HD aerial drone footage, commentated video walk throughs and high-quality picture documentation set ODIS apart in the Gulf of Mexico arena. ODIS is a vertically integrated company that uses the latest technology to serve our clients. The inspection reports are utilized daily by all departments within the client's organization.
Level - II Subsea Inspection
The API RP 2A Section 14 Standard for Subsea Level - II Inspections is where ODIS's subsea drones excel. These powerfully equipped subsea observation machines are fast, efficient, easy to handle and a pleasure to operate. With marine growth measurement laser tooling, front and rear HD cameras, auto heading, auto elevation, crisp sonar and operation tested to 2000 feet of water depth they are tough to compete with and present a significant challenge in finding a better tool for the task. At roughly 65 pounds with easily connected and function tested components they are a very agile tool to have onboard.
Level - III Subsea Inspection
Up until recently observation class ROVs were little more than a remote- control underwater camera. ODIS is partnered with a local Louisiana small business ROV company that is focused on innovation. These small but powerful Remote Operated Vehicles are capable of cathodic protection measurement, patch cleaning of heavy marine growth for visual corrosion inspection, flooded member detection, sonar imaging, digital twin subsea mapping and so much more. Don't blink or you may miss the latest tech roll-out on these state-of-the-art subsea drones. Level - III subsea inspections comply with the requirements described in the API RP 2A Section 14 Standard.
Post Hurricane Return to Production Facility Inspection
When storms hit along the Southern Gulf Coast Offshore Oil & Gas facilities are shut-in to protect human life and the environment. Federal regulations require an inspection of all facilities in the path of a recent storm to ensure structural integrity prior to remanning and coming back online. ODIS is uniquely suited for this challenge! With a top speed of 42 knots our fleet or Triple-axle Trailer-able Military Grade Marine Patrol Boats coupled with HD hyper zoom drones are a powerful combination to perform rapid safety inspections to get our clients back online and the local economy moving forward again.
QUESTION: How do you know when there's something not quite right about the current offshore Gulf of Mexico inspection market?
ANSWER: When a captain with a deck hand and a dog on a sailboat with a truck load of tech equipment can replace an entire corporation.
At ODIS we aren't concerned with infinitely increasing quarterly earnings for our shareholders while delivering the same dogmatic inspection reports to our clients year after year. We are a customer focused privately held company that utilizes the latest technology to deliver a user-friendly product at a fair price that includes the information required by federal regulators and what's needed to help our clients make informed decisions on planning, protecting and retiring their offshore assets.
The sailboat Svetlana was a year one proof of concept and is officially retired from Offshore Drone Inspection Services to help increase efficiency towards scaling the GOM inspection market.

The Fifth Angle View
In addition to commentated video walk-throughs, drones are a valuable tool to capture the top view and 360 video of the facility along with the standard ODIS quality North, East, West, and Southern views for client reference and future construction & decommissioning planning.
ODIS News and Development
Our Level -1 corrosion inspectors routinely utilize LiDAR to accurately dimension and map topsides. As a future added value proposition to our clients a combination of LiDAR and Photogammetry is an incredible multi-purpose tool that can collect data for real time post hurricane damage assessment, construction repair planning, decommissioning planning and annual corrosion analysis using analytical Ai and machine learning algorithms. The technology is getting very close and you can bet ODIS will be in position to utilize this emerging tech and offer our established client base a fair and economical solution utilizing the latest technology.
Mash that button and lets talk about it!

Did You Know?
The sailboat used in ODIS's first trial season was the first Finnish flagged vessel to circumnavigate the globe from Finland to Finland. Ketch rigged hull #17 originally named the Diana III and built at the world class Nautor Swan shipyard in Pietarsaari Finland she is not only a classic Sparkman and Stevens design she is a nautical piece of maritime history!
After completing the first circumnavigation she was sold to a Finnish lawyer and renamed Scorpio. She spent sixteen intermittent years completing her second circumnavigation. The voyage was meticulously documented in a way that only a thorough lawyer could. Click the link to see Henrik and Mala's amazing story that reads like a book via the website he created back in '97 when the internet began.
Now named Svetlana by ODIS's founder she impatiently awaits continued improvements to make her "3rd Lap" and tie-off to her dock of origin in Finland for her and her captain's future 50th birthday celebration.